Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Media’s Effect on Women’s Body Image Free Essays

The Media’s Effect on Women’s Body Image September 1, 2010 While ladies have made huge steps in the previous decades, the way of life everywhere keeps on putting an extraordinary accentuation on what women look like. These excellence norms, to a great extent multiplied through the media, impactsly affect young ladies and their self-perceptions. Arielle Cutler ’11, through a Levitt award, spent the late spring assessing the adequacy of media education programs as a solution for this endless loop. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Media’s Effect on Women’s Body Image or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Set forth plainly, the magnificence perfect in American culture is: slim. Huge populaces of ‘average’ young ladies don't show clinically diagnosable eating disordersâ€pathologies that the way of life marks as outrageous and unhealthyâ€but rather an altogether standardizing fixation on body shape and size,† Cutler said. â€Å"This continuous concern is acknowledged as a totally ordinary and even unavoidable piece of being an advanced young lady. I think we have to change that. † Anyone who knows about American culture realizes that a considerable lot of these social measures are built up in the media. â€Å"We are continually encircled by a wide range of media and we develop our characters to a limited extent through media pictures we see,† Cutler commented. Also, the more young ladies are presented to thin-perfect sorts of media, the more they are disappointed with their bodies and with themselves in general. The relationship between's media picture and self-perception has been demonstrated; in one investigation, among European American and African American young ladies ages 7 †12, more noteworthy by and large TV introduction anticipated both a more slender perfect grown-up body shape and a more elevated level of cluttered eating one year later. Juvenile young ladies are the most unequivocally influenced segment; â€Å"More and progressively 12-year-old young ladies are going on counts calories since they accept what you weigh decides your worth,† Cutler watched. At the point when all you see is a body type that lone two percent of the populace has, it’s hard to recall what’s genuine and what’s sensible to expect of yourself and every other person. † As ladies have gotten progressively mindful of t he impact of media on their self-perceptions, they have begun media education projects to make ladies and young ladies increasingly mindful of the messages they are accidentally expending. â€Å"Media proficiency programs advance a comprehension of the impact media has on singular purchasers and society on the loose. These projects intend to uncover the philosophies and messages inserted in the media pictures that we experience on a day by day basis,† Cutler said. Promoting, she states, attracts on people’s instabilities to persuade them to purchase an item, and hardly any populaces are as uncertain in general as youthful girlsâ€which is the reason media education programs are so significant for them. In projects, for example, that planned by national association Girls, Inc. , young ladies figure out what to look like off camera and messages that notices are creating so as to accommodate their own bodies with the perspective on â€Å"perfection† introduced by the media. The projects as of now set up have been seen as exceptionally successful; â€Å"College-age ladies have been the primary center, however 10-multi year-old young ladies are the most significant objective so they can have these [critical] forms going on before disguises of messages have truly started,† Cutler clarified. In any case, what kinds of guidelines do the media depict for ladies who are not white and not high society, and how does this influence the self-perceptions of ladies in these gatherings? This inquiry, Cutler has found, is one that isn't in every case very much tended to in the insightful material she has perused. I understood eventually in my examination that I had been universalizing the experience of a specific arrangement of young ladies favored by their race and, considerably more along these lines, financial foundation. It didn't enable that this oblivious to spot was reflected back to me in a portion of my research,† Cutler said. While she states th at specific measures of magnificence are all inclusive all through the nation and over all socioeconomics, Cutler accepts that media proficiency projects should take racial and financial foundations more into thought. Various gatherings have various issues and concerns, she said. For instance, indulging is a main problem as a dietary problem, particularly for lower-class ladies. How does this reality change the women’s relationship to the excellence perfect? Cutler is perusing learns about the self-perception issue among ladies in the U. S. just as assessments of media proficiency programs. She prescribes more noteworthy affectability to the worries of non-white, non-privileged gatherings so as to expand the viability of media proficiency programs. Step by step instructions to refer to The Media’s Effect on Women’s Body Image, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Coalition Essay Prompts 2017-2018

The 2016-2017 school application cycle saw just 45 out of the 95Coalition for College Access (CCS)members dispatch applications on the stage, with the staying on-boarding this mid year. On the off chance that you’re applying to school this fall, stay tuned for the declaration in May. Meanwhile, look at the CCS 2017-2018 exposition prompts that have just been released:PROMPT #1 Recount to a story from your life, portraying an encounter that either shows your character or assisted with molding it. This brief urges the candidate to share an encounter or an experience that shows self-awareness. It could likewise be something that changed your points of view or point of view. Brief #2 Portray when you made a significant commitment to others where more prominent's benefit was your core interest. Talk about the difficulties and awards of making your commitment. This article brief is ideal for understudies who are vigorously engaged with network administration exercises, or have reliably chipped in all through secondary school. Obviously, this isn’t restricted to such candidates. Understudies can likewise think about events you discovered that brought about an important commitment. Brief #3 Has there been when you’ve had a since quite a while ago loved or acknowledged conviction tested? How could you react? How did the test influence your convictions? Universities need to see students’ point of view as they tackle this article brief. The conviction that was challenge doesn’t must be profound and philosophical, it simply must be something that you genuinely accept: regardless of whether that be equivalent sex rights, or a frank is viewed as a sandwich. Brief #4 What is the hardest piece of being a young person now? What’s the best part? What guidance would you give a more youthful kin or companion (expecting they would hear you out)? This may be the most close to home school article brief a candidate can compose. From the outset, it may appear to be too direct to even think about talking about your high school years, however it requires a great deal of reflection and mindfulness. It’s significantly simpler to commend and censure others than it is to do as such to yourself. Brief #5 Present an exposition on a subject of your decision. The opportunity of having the option to pick what article subject to compose on can be a gift and a revile. Exposition prompts furnish candidates with direction and sign of what affirmation officials need to know, and its absence can conceivably make candidates wonder in their own announcement. Be that as it may, for the individuals who are keen on experimental writing, this could simply be what you need. A ton of the paper prompts that the CSS offer are like the alternatives that the Common App have. The greatest contrast between the two stages is the word furthest reaches of the expositions. The CSS prescribes understudies to compose a paper between300-400 words, while the Common Application has a650 word limit. Ensure you additionally look at the Common App 2017-2018 Essay Prompts! Acclimate yourself with the paper theme choices as you experience the school examine procedure, and stay refreshed with the universities that are on the Coalition or Common App stage.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The selection process of candidate

The determination procedure of applicant Presentation It has likewise been an open door for me to learn different issues encompassing the determination work out. The determination procedure includes such issues as request for employment, short postings and meetings so as to settle down on the privilege candidate.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The choice procedure of applicant explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are different variables that are considered before settling down on the correct competitor as we will find in the intelligent paper beneath. The essential zones of worry during the choice exercise are the choice choices, legitimacy and unwavering quality of short posting and meeting rehearses as a part of the determination procedure. The choice exercise is for the most part not a solitary individual’s task but rather it is fairly an activity done by a board of experts primarily the HR administrative group. Dynamic is in this manner dependent on some set down ap proaches which are settled upon by the code of morals or by the choice board since relying upon individuals’ reactions may on occasion realize logical inconsistencies. The choice board should accordingly do satisfactory earlier readiness concerning the activity whereby it is increasingly fitting to include experts in this field. This is on the grounds that there are many prepared experts in this field and the choice standards for different applicants depend on firmly related components. Be that as it may, various questioners have diverse talking approaches therefore however there may be organized methodology of the choice procedure, the interviewee should be enough arranged and adaptable so as to persuade every individual from the board that he is the best up-and-comer (Hackney and Kleiner, 1994, p. 8). The choice exercise All human asset experts welcome the way that drawing in and holding the best labor for a particular activity relies generally upon the adequacy of the enro llment, short posting, determination and meeting standards. These are the activities that to a great extent comprise the determination procedure. There are various variables that influence the viability of these stages and subsequently the choices with respect to the â€Å"best applicant.† The achievement in everything about stages relies upon both the activity searcher and the business through the human asset segment (Buckley, Norris, and Wiese, 2000, p. 116).Advertising Looking for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The initial phase in filling any empty post is enrollment. It includes ad of the empty post either inside, for example inside the organization or openly, through the broad communications. This progression permits the certified and the intrigued people to make application towards the publicized post. People make their application relying upon the enthusiasm for the activ ity and their conviction that they have the necessary aptitudes, capacities, and different gifts required to carry out the responsibility well (Catano, 2009, p. 235). Be that as it may, because of the high paces of joblessness in numerous countries and different reasons, it is probably going to discover people who may not be meeting the predetermined prerequisites going after the empty job. Besides, candidates are principally past the necessary number as a rule subsequently requiring the short posting exercise. The determination board places different components into thought, as we will see, so as to waitlist just the people who are probably going to enhance the organization being referred to. When the up-and-comers have been shortlisted, individual meetings are completed to additionally distinguish the most appropriate applicant since the short posting procedure may just think about scholastic and the experience capabilities while the one on one meeting empowers the choice board to in recognize an individual’s potential. While I have been taking an interest in this activity, there are different things that I have gained from perception and connections with the remainder of the individuals from the board that I couldn't learn while I was doing my examination paper. This has empowered me to enhance my insight particularly on the way that scholastic and other sort of tributes are insufficient evidence to settle down on the correct applicant in this manner individual meeting is constantly significant so as to consolidate scholastics and involvement in the privilege character.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The determination procedure of competitor explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Factors impacting the choice procedure Considering the support I had on the choice procedure combined with the information and the encounters I have had with my own examination and talks, I have understood that there are a few factors that decide the sort of an up-and-comer that fits a specific activity. One of the components is the sort of inquiries that will be posed during the meeting (Class notes, 2011, p. 1). Before a candidate meets all requirements to plunk down with the talking board, it implies that the individual application is worth short posting consequently he forms the pertinent aptitudes and capabilities for the post being referred to. The sort of inquiries that he will be posed and the sort of answers he is probably going to give will decide his potential for the post being referred to. In the activity advertise today, there are experts who are completely implied for the determination procedure and the inquiries posed in the board are predominantly customized to fit the necessities of the given organization (Barclay, 1999, p. 138). There are three principle kinds of inquiries â€Å"structured meet, unstructured, and social talking style† (Hartley and Bruckmann, 2002, p. 21) which can be sorted i nto the principle subjects of intrigue, for example, Intrinsic and persuasive components, aptitudes and capacities, information on the association, vocation objectives and destinations, encounters in the ideal region, extracurricular exercises and school encounters, scholarly projects and accomplishments, theoretical inquiries, achievements and accomplishments, geographic inclinations, and compensation and advantages. (Hartley and Bruckmann, 2002, p. 21) This empowers the board to get the correct image of the interviewee accordingly settling down on the best applicant. Sexual orientation is another central point that impacts dynamic in a determination technique (Radford, 1998, p. 108). By and large, men have consistently been viewed as better than ladies and this has likewise been reflected in work distribution along these lines influencing the determination procedure. You will understand that the proportion of men to ladies in many waitlists differs a great deal in numerous countri es with the proportion of men being higher than that of ladies. Despite the fact that there is a discernment that a few occupations are most appropriate for men while others are most appropriate for ladies, employments that should be possible by the two sexual orientations well despite everything are exceptionally impacted by men predominance complex.Advertising Searching for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More A portion of the reasons for sexual orientation predisposition in numerous countries incorporate â€Å"parental desire for kids, training, commercial if opportunities, self recognition, nature of the appraisal techniques, perspectives and the impression of the assessors among others† (Radford, 1998, p. 108). This is given to the business â€Å"gender discrimination† (Radford, 1998, p. 108) just as the activity searcher â€Å"e.g. in instruction and self selection† (Radford, 1998, p. 108) in this manner modifying the entire choice procedure. Sexual orientation contrasts and separation may not really be organized inside the choice procedure yet might be a general impression of the choice procedure. To begin with, the pool of candidates is generally dictated by the individual’s choice to go after the empty job. Because of the different powers encompassing the two sexual orientations, there might be sex contrasts in this pool of candidates. The effective compe titor is typically a result of the determination procedure. Both the choice to apply and the choice procedure for the most part results to a progressive decrease in the pool of candidates. The activity definition affects the last choice of competitors which might be additionally impacted by the quantity of candidates from every sexual orientation (Radford, 1998, p. 108). The physical elements encompassing a vocation are another central point that decides the enlistment and the determination procedure. People choose to go after a specific empty job contingent upon the attractive quality of working in a specific hierarchical condition (Catano, 2009, p. 235). A portion of the physical components that candidates may consider incorporate the area of the organization, size of the undertaking and the sort of industry the activity is arranged under. This is impacted by the age of the candidates, openness, and whether the activity gives self-rule, and open doors for self turn of events. End The choice procedure is one of the territories that decide the nature of the workforce in any association. On the planet we are living today, individuals have gone an additional mile to accomplish scholarly greatness in this way it is significant for the determination board to be somewhat enthused about different characteristics of an applicant. Such properties are principally accomplished through social talking style so as to settle down on the best up-and-comer from the pool of scholastically qualified candidates. References Barclay, J. (1999) Employee choice: an issue of structure. Faculty Review, 28 (12), pp. 134-151 Buckley, M. R., Norris, A. C. what's more, Wiese, D. S. (2000) A short history of the choice Interview: may the following 100 years be progressively productive. Diary of Management History, 6 (3), pp. 113-126. Catano, V. M. (2009) Recruitment and Selection in Canada. Ontario, Cengage Learning. Class Notes. (2011) Research Essay on choice exercise. (MS word) Hackney, M. furthermore, Kleiner, B

Monday, June 15, 2020

Accomplishments in Admissions Essays

Accomplishments in Admissions Essays June 11 Brag in your college essays and youll find yourself on the outside looking in. Like this guy, who was unexpectedly voted out of office last night. Dont brag. College admissions officers find people who brag in their essays unlikeable. The Personal Statement of the Common Application is the perfect place to discuss your accomplishments over the course of your high school years, right? From being named National Honor Society president to leading your schools Key Club to playing three varsity sports, fitting as many accomplishments in the Personal Statement  is the way to go. Right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. Accomplishments have zero place in the Personal Statement. In fact, accomplishments have zero place in any college admissions essay. College admissions essays are not a place for you to brag about all that youve achieved in life. Who likes somebody who chooses to brag about their accomplishments? Nobody. Rather, college admissions essays are opportunities incredible opportunities to be a storyteller, to share a window into your world so admissions officers can find out what youre all about and what makes you tick. Theyre an opportunity to tell small stories, powerful stories that show your character and even your humor and personality. Being the president of your National Honor Society doesnt impress anyone other than possibly your mommy and daddy. Who cares about National Honor Society. You think most students who get into Harvard arent members of their schools National Honor Society? Being a member of your schools National Honor Society is as meaningless as being named to the Whos Who list. That should never, ever be on your application, by the way. Talk about meaningless! Anyhow, we hope you get the idea to never brag in your college essays and instead choose to be a great storyteller. Share a narrative. Change the emotions of the admissions officer reading boring college essay after boring college essay about sports, grandpa, and that service trip to Guatemala in which you learned firsthand about poverty (you should absolutely avoid all of these topics, too).  The best writing is quite often about nothing. Like the NBC show Seinfeld. That show was essentially about nothing. Good writing, too, can often be about nothing for in those small moments not the big ones one can glean a lot about who you are and what youre all about.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Journey Is The Destination iIn Laurence Shames’ Sweet...

Throughout the life of any man or woman north London, there is an indescribable amount of desire to be successful. Thoughts of Lamborghini’s, Ferraris, or a home on an island too foreign to pronounce contribute to sleepless nights. One’s whole life consists of buying bigger objects and becoming better in hopes of reaching the point where one can say â€Å"I am a success†. Success, especially in north London, is not a fixed point rather it is a progression in constructing a lifelong project plagued by an unmatched desire for peer gratification. Success, then, is not the measure of the common three central factors: appearance, status, and career. It is the legacy that is produced by a life well lived that encompasses these factors. Before one can†¦show more content†¦Similarly, in smaller communities who is known or how many one knows indicates success. Reputation and status is prevalent on every scale of society and in history, how someone is known when they are not present dictates all possible misconceptions. This is seen biblically in the book of Ecclesiastes 7:1 where it reads â€Å"A good name is better than precious ointment, and day of death better than birth†. This quotation explains that one must work ten times as hard to produce a proper name than any material possession or luxury; this is most important in the sense that when one passes on only their reputation lives on. In addition, a famous statement from Abraham Lincoln: â€Å"Character is like a tree and reputation a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, but the tree is the real thing†. Lincoln makes the point that everything one does should be a reflection of character to produce a transparency between who one is vie wed as by friends and family, and who they truly are. As one moves along in life, their reputation fluctuates, how their reputation results will assist in determining the success they exhibited in life. â€Å"What do you do?† Even though the answer should be simple one will concern themselves with adding titles or an explanation in an attempt to say â€Å"I am successful† or to ensure their importance to the community. Just like saying â€Å"The car isn’t

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Denial of The Armenian Genocide Essay - 1442 Words

The denial of the Armenian genocide and the use of the term â€Å"alleged† are insults to those who have agitated over the years in highlighting the genocide and the Armenian people themselves. The pictorial anger and anguish of this painful traumatic experience had left the survivors of this horrific event with deep scars beyond repairs. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were a dark world for the Armenians who were held helpless and bound at the treacherous hand of the Muslim Turks of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. The Armenian Genocide includes: the context of power of the Ottoman Empire, the phases of destruction and Turkey’s refusal to acknowledge the genocide and provide support to the Armenians. The Armenians existed for†¦show more content†¦The first massacre occurred in 1894 to 1896, the second in 1909 and both resulted in the death of about 200,000 thousand Armenians. Turkey’s involvement in the World War 1 provided cover for extreme elements of the very nationalistic Young Turks regime to carry out the genocide. The genocide started in 1915, culminated in 1917 and was characterized by mass deportation, slaughter, starvation and raped. Those Armenians who were conscripted in the Turkish army were executed and this was explained as a natural occurrence of war. Pasha was the Leader and chief executor in the mass execution. The war allowed the Turks to impose their wrath and destruction on the Armenians. The first phase began with the war afflicted provinces; the Turks took the opportunity to seize properties and personal belongings of the remaining Armenians. Whatever valuables they had were forcibly taken from them. They had no means of support and were subjugated under the leadership of the Turks. They were removed and transported by trains or had to walk miles and miles by foot to the Mesopotamian desert. This initial step was the start of the mass execution of the innocent Armenians in an isolated place at the hands of the Empire. After â€Å"going to war† – Pasha and his team devised a method of eliminating the Armenians males for the purpose of weakening leadership and economic support for the family. The second phrase of genocide began when theyShow MoreRelatedThe Armenian Genocide and Its Denial1503 Words   |  7 PagesGenocide. The killing of hundreds of people. The extermination of a nation. Such a thing may sound too horrible to be true, but it happens right under our very noses. And what is even worse, is when such tragic events are not recognized as what they are, or simply forgotten. Such is the case of the Armenian Genocide, also referred to as the Forgotten Genocide, the Hidden Holocaust, the Secret Genocide, or the Unremembered Genocide (Balakian xvii). The Jewish Holocaust is well knownRead MoreTurkish Armenian Reconciliation Committee ( Tarc ) Essay1519 Words   |  7 Pagesas far as the genocide. As they argue history is subjective therefore, it is not a fact that the genocide ever happened. They’ve asserted that the genocide is some idea brought about by historians that have tried to sensationalize things so they can make a name for themselves. According to Theriault there is a â€Å"Turkish† and an â€Å"Armenian† view of the history and each are extreme with either of them being more valid than the other. Theriault goes on to talk about the â€Å"Turkish Armenian ReconciliationRead MoreEssay on Recognizing the Armenian Genocide1266 Words   |  6 PagesThe Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the organized killing of Armenians. While there is no clear agreement on how many Armenians lost their lives, there is general agreement among Western scholars that over a million Armenians may have perished between 1914 and 1918. It all happened during the Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey, where 2 million Armenians lived. The Armenian Genocide is the second-most studied massacre, after the Holocaust. To date Twenty-two countriesRead MoreWas Genocide Committed against the Armenian People in the Ottoman Empire During World War I1597 Words   |  6 PagesWAS GENOCIDE COMMITTED AGAINST THE ARMENIAN PEOPLE IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE DURING WORLD WAR I? In some countries, it is highly forbidden to mention the Armenian Genocide, which took place during the First World War with an approximate number of one and a half million Armenians exterminated. Currently around the world, there are still arguments whether genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire, targeting the Armenians. However, Turkey continues to firmly deny the fact that there was genocide, concedingRead MoreArmenian Genocide and Holocaust Comparison860 Words   |  4 PagesHolocaust and Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. That is more than half the number of people that died in World War I. The book Maus by Art Spigelman tells the story of a man who was a victim of and lived through the Holocaust. The Holocaust and Amenian Genocide are indistinguishable because of not only the amount of people that died but also for three more main reasons. These reasons are the gruesome leaders of both genocides, the merciless dehumanization that was forced upon the Armenians, Jews,Re ad MoreThe Armenian Genocide And The Decline Of The Ottoman Empire1671 Words   |  7 PagesI. The primary underlying cause of the Armenian genocide derived from the decline of the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 19th century, and was based on land dispute, religion, and ultra-nationalism. â€Å"One of the main factors that led to the Armenian genocide is to be found in the mental conditions and characteristics of Turkish National identity† (AkcÃŒ §am, 2004, 59). The Armenians have claimed their home in the southern Caucasus since 7th Century BCE. Throughout many centuries, the MongolRead MoreThe Armenian Genocide2102 Words   |  9 PagesArmenian Genocide Andy Leeds Ms. Bullis English 1 April 24 Armenians are a Christian nation, and when they were a country, they were the first to proclaim Christianity as the state religion. The Ottoman Empire took control of Armenia during the 15th century, and they were mistreated for quite a while due to religious differences (Christians vs. Muslims), and this mistreatment culminated and peaked during 1915-1918. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire took the opportunity among a world of chaosRead MoreThe Armenian Genocide Committed By The Ottoman Empire1579 Words   |  7 PagesThe Armenian genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against its minority Armenian population from 1915-1917 left an estimated 1.5 million dead and to date, not one individual has been tried for these egregious crimes. The mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in World War I and Jews by the Nazis in World War II shocked the conscience of the international community and led to the creation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crim e of Genocide (CPPCG), in order toRead MoreThe Armenian Genocide 1788 Words   |  8 PagesThe Armenian genocide was the first genocide of Modern World History, but it was not the first time the world saw an ethnic and religious group angry with and persecuting another. The Armenian genocide is special because it was the first time the world saw mass slaughter being planned and executed by government officials. This deliberate slaughter of Armenians has been the focus of many because of its unique persecution of a single ethnic group and the fact that the Turkish government still deniesRead MoreEssay Genocide and Modernity2065 Words   |  9 PagesThe crime of genocide is one of the most devastating human tragedies throughout the history. And the word genocide refers to an organised destruction to a specific group of people who belongs to the same culture, ethnic, racial, religious, or national group often in a war situation. Similar to mass killing, where anyone who is related t o the particular group regardless their age, gender and ethnic background becomes the killing targets, genocide involves in more depth towards destroying people’s

Cyber Attack And Information Security †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What was the problem? Who were affected due to the data breach? How did the problem occur? Why did the problem occur? What are the solutions of the problem? Answers: Intoducation Scottrade bank recently faced a security data breach of its database in April 2017. It had a database of more than 20000 customers. The data base was not secured properly and it was left open to the public. Chris Vickey who was the MacKeeper researcher created the database which was designed on March 31. Vickey informed that the copany was contacted by him and later connected to a staffer on the Scottrade bank (Ablon et al., 2016). The security team of the Scottrade bank assured to make the information secure. After some days he informed about the resolving of the problem. But the data was leaked eventually in the month of April. The customers who lost their data included personal details, credit cards details and also their account details. The number of credit cards profile which was exposed is more than 48000. Also the social security numbers, names, addresses and phone numbers were also exposed due to the data breach (Young, 2014). These data are undoubtedly most confidential acc ording to priority list on the basis of security level. This data should be secured by the bank and the exposure of the data was really unexpected and created lack of reliability in the customer. On April 2 it was first informed by a third party vendor named as Genpact. Genpact informed that the data set was informed to a cloud server that did not made the security protocols in a correct way (Federgreen Sachs, 2015). Due to this reason the information was not secured at all. That file included information regarding the loan application information which was a small B2B unit placed in Scottrade bank. It had a non public information of more than 20000 people and businesses. Due To the security breach undoubtedly the 20000 people and businesses were affected as their confidential data was exposed to public. Any unwanted access of those data can lead to a high damage of the data. Information like phone number, address, names was exposed due to that data breach. Some details regarding the information of the credit card was also left exposed due to the security breach (Gao, Zhong Mei, 2015). The amount of information was not in a small range and the people loosed their reliability on the bank. The bank was also affected in terms of reliability issue with the customers. The bank was really affected in terms of customer satisfaction. It was task of highest priority of the bank so that the bank can make the security with highest priority. Any hacker could take the advantage of making the insecure data in their own purpose. The data breach was happened due to the lack of proper security set up of the information. On April 2 it was first informed by a third party vendor named as Genpact. Genpact informed that the data set was informed to a cloud server that did not made the security protocols in a correct way. Due to this reason the information was not secured at all. That file included information regarding the loan application information which was a small B2B unit placed in Scottrade bank. It had non public information of more than 20000 people and businesses (Gray, 2015). It is also informed that the data set was also not encrypted. The data can be easily accessible by the unwanted people due to the lack of security features like encryption. The main issue in this case was that the third party vendor was unable to deliver the security features to the banking portal. The problem took place due to many factors. The designer of the security system was unable to make the system properly secured. Chris Vickey who was the MacKeeper researcher created the database which was designed on March 31 (Peltier, 2013). Vickey informed that the company was contacted by him and later connected to a staffer on the Scottrade bank. The security team of the Scottrade bank assured to make the information secure. After some days he informed about the resolving of the problem. But the data was leaked eventually in the month of April (Renaud, 2017). The third party was also unable to make the data security assured. Zenpact which was the third party responsible for the design of the security system related to the banks information was unable to stop the Data loss. Genpact informed that the data set was informed to a cloud server that did not made the security protocols in a correct way (Kuo Varki, 2014). Due to this reason the information was not secured at all. That fi le included information regarding the loan application information which was a small B2B unit placed in Scottrade bank. It had no public information of more than 20000 people and businesses. It is also informed that the data set was also not encrypted. Here are some solutions to the security problems which are given below. The information of the banking system should be secured with encryption (Kwon Han, 2017). Encryption makes a data in coded form so that the unauthorised access can be stopped. The access of the third party vendor should be more restricted. If the third party vendor makes any security feature then that should be verified. Antivirus and the firewalls should be more powerful and updated. The software and the hardware system should be uddated and maintained frequently. References Ablon, L., Heaton, P., Lavery, D., Romanosky, S. (2016). Data Theft Victims, and Their Response to Breach Notifications. Federgreen, W. R., Sachs, F. E. (2015). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/618,434. Gao, X., Zhong, W., Mei, S. (2015). Security investment and information sharing under an alternative security breach probability function. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(2), 423-438. Gray, M. F. (2015). U.S. Patent No. D746,305. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Kuo, H. C., Varki, S. (2014). Are Firms Perceived As Safer After an Information Breach?. ACR North American Advances. Kwon, S. M., Han, C. H. (2017). Empirical Investigation on Information Breach Effect on the Market Value of the Firm: Focused on Source and Long Term Performance. Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, 21(2). Peltier, T. R. (2013). Information security fundamentals. CRC Press. Young, E. (2014). Educational privacy in the online classroom: FERPA, MOOCs, and the big data conundrum. Harv. JL Tech., 28, 549.